Youth Leadership Council

The Howell Pal Youth Leadership Council has been in existence since 2002 starting with a few members and over the years has grown to become an outstanding group of young adults all with dedication and desire to serve their community.

Our Mission
This program is designed to teach our youth to be leader​s of tomorrow through volunteering and life skills training. The members get to interact with students their age, along with police officers from Howell and surrounding areas, which allow them to make long-lasting friendships and memories.

What We Do For The Community

PAL’s Pals
A program allowing YLC members the opportunity to mentor students with disabilities.

Clean Communities
YLC members in conjunction with DPW maintain public parking sites and community roadsides.

Homeless Camps
Members of the YLC visit homeless camps to offer friendship and support while serving warm meals.

Summer Camps
YLC members support P.A.L summer camps by managing snack stands and providing assistance where needed.

Paul Kimball Hospital
YLC members together with YLC alumni go to the hospital on Christmas morning to visit parents and give homemade gifts.


Every Kid Needs a PAL"